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Lecture 5, Mon 04/17

work on lab03, catch up on homeworks

Code from today’s lecture

Update on homework

I’ve updated the homework online, and provided places to submit all of the homeworks from h00 through h06 online.

I’ve set a schedule of “suggested” due dates that will get us caught up with the CS8 section. If you want to take their first midterm as an optional take-home exam (on the honor system) to check your understanding of course concepts, this schedule will get you caught up in time to do that.

If you need more time (within reason, i.e. a few days), let me know, but I’d prefer not to extend those due dates much, so that this isn’t hanging out as “unfinished business” for either of us.

imports and the if __name__=='__main__': thing

Various ways of running Python code

lab03–more practice with function definitions and tests

Today, we’ll start by working on lab03, which gives us more practice with writing function definitions and tests.