Previous Lecture Lecture 2 Next Lecture

Lecture 2, Wed 04/05

Orientation to the course


Source of data:

How to do pip install stuff on Mac and Windows

To install new packages, you use pip3 install blah where blah is the name of the package.

On Mac, e.g. to install requests

pip3 install requests

On Windows, here’s the currently ugly version. Maybe we can make this nicer.

This depends on you having already installed git for Windows.

  1. Run menu, enter %appdata%
  2. That takes you to the Windows File Explorer, where you can click through the following directories:
  3. Under Scripts, locate pip3.exe, right click, and choose “Git Bash Here”
  4. That should open a terminal window, where you can type:
    ./pip3 install requests

What we did with the Earthquakes

TODO Insert this later.

Self Submission of Homework

You can scan your assignment to PDF from any iOS or Android device.

Instructions are available here:

There are also PDF scanners available for Windows Phone—do a web search on “Windows Phone PDF Scanner”.

Scan your pages in the correct order!!!

The result should be a two page PDF, with page 1 first, and page 2 second.

You may be penalized if your submission has the pages in the incorrect order.

Your resulting PDF should be exactly won

Alternative: editing the PDF (no scanning needed)

An alternative is to:

  1. Get an electronic copy of the homework assignment from the website
  2. Save to PDF (On Mac, you can “print to PDF”, for example.)
  3. Use software that edits/annotates PDFs to enter your answers directly.
  4. Upload that PDF.

First hour: lab00: Hello World, Submitting on Gradescope

We’ll go work through the steps of submitting the Hello, World program on Gradescope.

Then: lab00: Writing and testing functions

Python Dictionaries

In Python, we can use a dictionary to associate keys with values.

This code creates a simple dictionary called en_to_es (short for “English to Español), that maps the words one, two and three (as Python strings) to their Spanish counterparts (as Python strings):

en_to_es = { 'one' : 'uno', 'two' : 'dos', 'three' : 'tres' }

Once you create a dictionary, you can access the values by looking up their key. Here, we show trying some Python dictionary code at the interactive Python shell:

>>> en_to_es = { 'one' : 'uno', 'two' : 'dos', 'three' : 'tres' }
>>> en_to_es['one']
>>> en_to_es['three']